Today's date is:
- View the apartment with a superintendent or manager.
Make sure to book with 24 hours advanced notice. - Fill out a Rental Application - available online Note: We conduct a thorough investigation of each applicant, conducting reference checks, credit bureau investigations,employment and financial circumstances. We reserve the right to deny any application if it does not satisfy our minimum requirements. We also do not Rent to applicants who have outstanding collections.
- An initial $250.00 deposit instalment is required * with the Rental Application (see Payment Methods)
This must be either cash or bank draft, no personal cheques - you will be given a receipt.
Please note that we do not process applications without a deposit.
* In instances of rental units above 2 bdrms, we require a $250 deposit per bedroom. - Upon approval, the deposit reserves the rental unit and becomes non-refundable.
This deposit then goes towards first and last month's rent balance owing. - If application is declined, the deposit is returned, less a $40 administrative fee.
- Upon Application approval, a second instalment for the balance of LMR (last month's rent) is due.
i.e.) Apply for a 2-bdrm for $850.00/deposit given($250)= $600 dollars due and payable upon approval. (Certified funds only) - Prior to move in and release of keys, a final instalment is due for first month's rent along with a fully completed lease (Certified funds only), and post-dated regular cheques for the term.
- At time of Key Exchange, an Incoming Inspection Report will be done with you and either a manager or superintendent. This outlines the condition of the apartment unit at time of occupancy, and will be used as a benchmark comparison at time of departure. It is an important document, which identifies nominal wear and tear, compared to damage
i.e.) broken windows, screens, scratched floors, holes in walls - PHOTO ID: Either at move-in or during the lease drafting/completing process, all occupants will be required to show the superintendent or manager valid Photo ID. Acceptable ID is considered to be a Driver's License, Health Card or Passport.
- Once you are able to move in, we want you to enjoy a peaceful living environment with us, and understand that our higher level of scrutiny, helps maintain safe and enjoyable buildings.
Phone: 905.572.WINK (9465) | Toll Free: 877.WINK INC (946.5462)
E-mail: [email protected]
Go to Wink Crew for specific contact info